Investing in your people pays off

Employees who feel good, perform better. With our tailor-made lifestyle programmes, you increase productivity and reduce staff turnover.

yoboo - ondernemers

What are the benefits for your business?

Retaining valuable talent

Investing in wellbeing ensures that your employees feel happy, allowing you to reduce turnover, thus retaining valuable talent.

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Health first

Healthy employees are more productive and motivated.

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Positive culture

A people-centred approach improves your corporate culture.

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These companies have gone before you

What are the benefits for your employees?

Personal development

Every individual is different, everyone has different wants and needs. We map out your employees' current lifestyle and help them on their way to a more energetic lifestyle with targeted actions.

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Put well-being really on the agenda

We ensure energetic and productive employees.

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Work-life balance restored

We offer support to address burnout symptoms.

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With yoboo, you invest in people and in your business

From challenge to success

A high workload and disrupted work-life balance lead to a general feeling of unwellness among your employees. With our tailor-made lifestyle programmes, we tackle these in a targeted way.


are considering looking for a job that pays more attention to their well-being (source).

yoboo - aandacht voor welzijn - neg


of working time employees are absent due to illness on average, absenteeism thus reaching new heights (source).


experiences work stress complaints (source).


experiences burnout symptoms (source)


feel that work negatively affects their mental health (source).

yoboo - mentale gezondheid - neg

Peter staat voor je klaar!

Wil je meer weten over wat yoboo kan betekenen voor jouw bedrijf? Neem vrijblijvend contact op met Peter. Hij helpt je graag verder!


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Peter neemt zo snel mogelijk contact met je op.
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Discover Yoboo's impact

With our lifestyle programmes, you will make an impact. Don't just take that from us, get inspired by these success stories.

Yoboo provided a customised lifestyle programme from Twikit. This programme inspires and supports our team to work on balance, and it raises awareness around energy in the workplace. Any company that puts employees' mental and physical well-being first should definitely consider yoboo!
yoboo - Gis Hoppenbrouwers - twikit

Gijs Hoppenbrouwers

Entrepreneur, CEO at Twikit

More than 90% of our employees stepped into the offered ZDP FIT 2.0 programme and the impact on our employees is hugeWe are experiencing beautiful, individual developments among our employees, but above all, the 'energy vibe' that prevails provides a breath of fresh air and has a positive impact on our corporate culture.
yoboo - Kristoff Wienen - Zolderse Dakprojecten NV

Kristoff Wienen

Managing director at Zolderse Dakprojecten NV

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Position, Company name

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat."

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Position, Company name

Larse is here for you!

Want to know more about what yoboo can do for your organisation? Feel free to contact Larse. She is more than happy to help you!


We hebben jouw bericht goed ontvangen.
Larse neemt zo snel mogelijk contact met je op.
Oeps! We konden jouw bericht niet verzenden. Kijk na of alles correct werd ingevuld.